We're excited that you are considering leading a Community Group. Your "yes" to leading a group will allow adults to find and follow Jesus together. We've made the steps to starting and leading a Community Group at NMC simple.
1. Understand the commitment and objective of a Community Group Leader. The aim is to lead a group of adults of 12 or fewer people in biblical community for a semester. Click here to see the Community Group Leader Description.
2. Apply to become a Community Group Leader by clicking here. But before you lead 10 or 12 people, we want to get to know you and hear your story!
3. Attend our New Community Group Leader Training and ongoing semiannual training. You'll learn about the details and best practices for leading a group.
4. Determine what your group will study for the semester. For example, the content for your group could be the discussion questions from the Sunday messages that NMC creates, a study from the NMC library on Right Now Media, NMCU, or an approved book.
5. Smile! We'll snap your photo and write a group bio to post online on our Community Groups page. This is how potential group members will find your group.
6. Connect with group members and those interested in your group. Those who are interested in joining your group can contact you by completing an interest form. As a group leader, you are responsible for connecting with the interested parties and their group members. We ask that you reach out to the potential group member within two days of them submitting an interest form. The group will remain open and listed on the NMC website until you decide that the group is full and let the NMC groups team know.
7. Lead your group. Meet with and lead your group over the semester.
8. Finish the Semester Together. Although this is only a one semester commitment, we do encourage groups to consider carrying on into additional semesters.
start a Connection Group
Are you considering using one of your interests or hobbies to connect with others at North Metro Church? Then, follow the steps below to start and lead a Connection Group!
1. Understand the commitment and objective of a Connection Group Leader. Click here to see the Connection Group Leader Description.
2. Apply to become a Connection Group Leader by clicking here. But, before you start a connection group, we want to get to know you and hear your story!
3. Attend New Connection Group Leader Training and ongoing quarterly training.
4. Submit details of your group to the NMC Groups team so your group can be added to the NMC Connection Groups webpage.
5. Plan, organize, and execute a gathering at least once a month for the members who sign up for your group.
6. Connect with new members as they join the group. People can join at any time through the website. When they submit an inquiry form, you will be notified via email. We ask that you reach out to the new group members within two days of them submitting an interest form.
7. Keep the entire group updated about plans for the next gathering.
8. Encourage group members to join NMCU or a Community Group to explore more opportunities to engage with others and their relationship with God.